and his bed. On the way to his room it occurred to him that he had for terjemahan - and his bed. On the way to his room it occurred to him that he had for Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

and his bed. On the way to his room

and his bed. On the way to his room it occurred to him that he had forgotten to talk to the landlord about the omission of Number 13 from the hotel board, and also that he might as well make sure that Number 13 did actually exist before he made any reference to the matter.

The decision was not difficult to arrive at. There was the door with its number as plain as could be, and work of some kind was evidently going on inside it, for as he neared the door he could hear footsteps and voices, or a voice, within. During the few seconds in which he halted to make sure of the number, the footsteps ceased, seemingly very near the door, and he was a little startled at hearing a quick hissing breathing as of a person in strong excitement. He went on to his own room, and again he was surprised to find how much smaller it seemed now than it had when he selected it. It was a slight disappointment, but only slight. If he found it really not large enough, he could very easily shift to another. In the meantime he wanted something--as far as I remember it was a pocket-handkerchief--out of his portmanteau, which had been placed by the porter on a very inadequate trestle or stool against the wall at the farthest end of the room from his bed. Here was a very curious thing: the portmanteau was not to be seen. It had been moved by officious servants; doubtless the contents had been put in the wardrobe. No, none of them were there. This was vexatious. The idea of a theft he dismissed at once. Such things rarely happen in Denmark, but some piece of stupidity had certainly been performed (which is not so uncommon), and the _stuepige_ must be severely spoken to. Whatever it was that he wanted, it was not so necessary to his comfort that he could not wait till the morning for it, and he therefore settled not to ring the bell and disturb the servants. He went to the window--the right-hand window it was--and looked out on the quiet street. There was a tall building opposite, with large spaces of dead wall; no passers-by; a dark night; and very little to be seen of any kind.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
and his bed. On the way to his room it occurred to him that he had forgotten to talk to the landlord about the omission of Number 13 from the hotel board, and also that he might as well make sure that Number 13 did actually exist before he made any reference to the matter.

The decision was not difficult to arrive at. There was the door with its number as plain as could be, and work of some kind was evidently going on inside it, for as he neared the door he could hear footsteps and voices, or a voice, within. During the few seconds in which he halted to make sure of the number, the footsteps ceased, seemingly very near the door, and he was a little startled at hearing a quick hissing breathing as of a person in strong excitement. He went on to his own room, and again he was surprised to find how much smaller it seemed now than it had when he selected it. It was a slight disappointment, but only slight. If he found it really not large enough, he could very easily shift to another. In the meantime he wanted something--as far as I remember it was a pocket-handkerchief--out of his portmanteau, which had been placed by the porter on a very inadequate trestle or stool against the wall at the farthest end of the room from his bed. Here was a very curious thing: the portmanteau was not to be seen. It had been moved by officious servants; doubtless the contents had been put in the wardrobe. No, none of them were there. This was vexatious. The idea of a theft he dismissed at once. Such things rarely happen in Denmark, but some piece of stupidity had certainly been performed (which is not so uncommon), and the _stuepige_ must be severely spoken to. Whatever it was that he wanted, it was not so necessary to his comfort that he could not wait till the morning for it, and he therefore settled not to ring the bell and disturb the servants. He went to the window--the right-hand window it was--and looked out on the quiet street. There was a tall building opposite, with large spaces of dead wall; no passers-by; a dark night; and very little to be seen of any kind.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dan tempat tidurnya. Dalam perjalanan ke kamarnya terpikir olehnya bahwa ia lupa untuk berbicara dengan pemilik tentang kelalaian Nomor 13 dari papan hotel, dan juga bahwa ia mungkin juga memastikan bahwa Nomor 13 memang benar-benar ada sebelum ia membuat setiap referensi untuk masalah ini. Keputusan itu tidak sulit untuk tiba di. Ada pintu dengan nomor yang sejelas mungkin, dan karya semacam itu jelas terjadi di dalamnya, karena saat ia mendekati pintu ia bisa mendengar langkah kaki dan suara-suara, atau suara, dalam. Selama beberapa detik di mana ia berhenti untuk memastikan nomor, jejak berhenti, tampaknya sangat dekat pintu, dan ia sedikit terkejut ketika mendengar mendesis bernapas cepat seperti seseorang dalam kegembiraan yang kuat. Dia melanjutkan ke kamar sendiri, dan lagi-lagi ia terkejut menemukan betapa kecil tampaknya sekarang daripada saat dia memilih itu. Itu sedikit mengecewakan, tapi hanya sedikit. Jika ia menemukan itu benar-benar tidak cukup besar, ia bisa dengan mudah beralih ke yang lain. Sementara itu ia ingin sesuatu - sejauh yang saya ingat itu saku saputangan - dari portmanteau, yang telah ditempatkan oleh porter pada jembatan yang sangat tidak memadai atau bangku dinding di ujung terjauh ruangan dari tempat tidurnya. Berikut adalah hal yang sangat aneh: portmanteau itu tidak terlihat. Ini telah dipindahkan oleh pegawai officious; pasti isinya telah dimasukkan ke dalam lemari. Tidak, tidak satupun dari mereka berada di sana. Ini menjengkelkan. Gagasan tentang pencurian ia diberhentikan sekaligus. Hal-hal seperti jarang terjadi di Denmark, tetapi beberapa bagian dari kebodohan pasti telah dilakukan (yang tidak begitu biasa), dan _stuepige_ harus sangat berbicara. Apa pun yang ia inginkan, itu tidak begitu penting untuk kenyamanan bahwa ia tidak bisa menunggu sampai pagi untuk itu, dan karena itu ia menetap untuk tidak membunyikan bel dan mengganggu pelayan. Dia pergi ke jendela - jendela kanan itu - dan melihat keluar di jalan yang tenang. Ada gedung yang berlawanan tinggi, dengan ruang besar dinding mati; tidak ada orang yang lewat; malam yang gelap; dan sangat sedikit untuk dilihat apapun.

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