Nie Li is walk­ing, will look all around sur­round­ings, here should h terjemahan - Nie Li is walk­ing, will look all around sur­round­ings, here should h Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Nie Li is walk­ing, will look all a

Nie Li is walk­ing, will look all around sur­round­ings, here should have sells the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race Ex­pert mer­chant to be right!
So long as found these to sell the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race Ex­pert mer­chant, that was then twice the re­sult with half the ef­fort.
Nie Li wears the cape, is walk­ing ex­tremely low-key, walks, the dis­tant place trans­mits sud­denly clam­ors with the noise, the stream of peo­ple gath­ered the past to­ward that side.
„Does not know that what hap­pened?” Nie Li wrin­kled the brow, has thought that steps out to fol­low the stream of peo­ple to walk to­ward front.( To be
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nie Li is walk­ing, will look all around sur­round­ings, here should have sells the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race Ex­pert mer­chant to be right!So long as found these to sell the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race Ex­pert mer­chant, that was then twice the re­sult with half the ef­fort.Nie Li wears the cape, is walk­ing ex­tremely low-key, walks, the dis­tant place trans­mits sud­denly clam­ors with the noise, the stream of peo­ple gath­ered the past to­ward that side.„Does not know that what hap­pened?” Nie Li wrin­kled the brow, has thought that steps out to fol­low the stream of peo­ple to walk to­ward front.( To be
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nie Li berjalan, akan terlihat di sekitar lingkungan, di sini harus memiliki menjual Surgawi Primordial Roh Ahli Balap merchant untuk menjadi benar!
Selama menemukan ini untuk menjual Surgawi Primordial Roh Ahli Balap pedagang, yang kemudian dua kali hasil dengan setengah usaha.
Nie Li memakai jubah, berjalan sangat rendah, berjalan, tempat yang jauh mentransmisikan tiba-tiba clamors dengan suara, arus orang berkumpul masa lalu ke arah sisi itu.
"Apakah tidak tahu bahwa apa yang terjadi?" Nie Li keriput alis, telah berpikir bahwa langkah keluar mengikuti arus orang yang berjalan ke arah depan. (untuk menjadi
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