Nobody is perfect the way you are describing, If you keep your mind po terjemahan - Nobody is perfect the way you are describing, If you keep your mind po Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Nobody is perfect the way you are d

Nobody is perfect the way you are describing, If you keep your mind positive then all perfect both you and I. Next time onward I do not want to listen to your negative thoughts, it effects me. And so I do not want to respond on any negative issues, as life is otherwise full of negative issues. Taking life positive I found you and can tell GOd that yes I have love goddess who want by heart to make banana dry.  So I am positive and hopeful for al
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nobody is perfect the way you are self-describing, If you keep your mind positive then all perfect both you and I. Next time onward I do not want to listen to your negative thoughts, it effects me. And so I do not want to respond on any negative issues, as life is otherwise full of negative issues. Taking life positive I found you and can tell GOd that yes I have love goddess who want by heart to make banana dry. So I am positive and hopeful for al
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nobody is perfect the way you are describing, If you keep your mind positive then all money, both you and I. Next time onward I do not want to listen to your negative thoughts, it effects me. And so I do not want to respond on any negative issues, as life is otherwise full of negative issues. Taking positive life I found you and can tell God that yes I have love goddess who want the make banana by heart to dry. So I am positive and hopeful for al
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