The researchers also manipulated how important it was to the research  terjemahan - The researchers also manipulated how important it was to the research  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The researchers also manipulated ho

The researchers also manipulated how important it was to the research participants to be accurate at the task. In the high-importance condition, they were told that the upcoming task was a real test of eyewitness identification ability and that police departments and courts would soon be using it to differentiate good eyewitnesses from poor ones. Participants’ score would therefore establish standards against which future eyewitness performance would be judged. In addition, those who were most accurate at the task would receive a $20 bonus from the experimenters. In contrast, in the low-importance condition, the research participants were told that the study was a first attempt to study eyewitness identification and that the slide task was still being developed. Thus, as the participants began the task, they were in two very different states of mind. Half thought their performance was very important and would have ramifications for the legal community. They were motivated to do well (and earn their $20). The other half saw this as just a regular research study like any other. Their performance didn’t seem that important to the experimenters.
The high-importance condition mirrors the concerns of many situations in everyday life – your judgments and decisions have consequences, and you’re motivated to “get things right.” Will that make you more or less susceptible to informational social influence? The researchers found that it make you more susceptible. In the low-importance condition, participants conformed to the confederates’ judgments and gave the same wrong answers on 35% of the critical trials. In the high-importance condition, participants conformed to the confederates’ judgments on 51% of the critical trials.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The researchers also manipulated how important it was to the research participants to be accurate at the task. In the high-importance condition, they were told that the upcoming task was a real test of eyewitness identification ability and that police departments and courts would soon be using it to differentiate good eyewitnesses from poor ones. Participants’ score would therefore establish standards against which future eyewitness performance would be judged. In addition, those who were most accurate at the task would receive a $20 bonus from the experimenters. In contrast, in the low-importance condition, the research participants were told that the study was a first attempt to study eyewitness identification and that the slide task was still being developed. Thus, as the participants began the task, they were in two very different states of mind. Half thought their performance was very important and would have ramifications for the legal community. They were motivated to do well (and earn their $20). The other half saw this as just a regular research study like any other. Their performance didn’t seem that important to the experimenters.
The high-importance condition mirrors the concerns of many situations in everyday life – your judgments and decisions have consequences, and you’re motivated to “get things right.” Will that make you more or less susceptible to informational social influence? The researchers found that it make you more susceptible. In the low-importance condition, participants conformed to the confederates’ judgments and gave the same wrong answers on 35% of the critical trials. In the high-importance condition, participants conformed to the confederates’ judgments on 51% of the critical trials.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Para peneliti juga dimanipulasi betapa pentingnya itu kepada para peserta penelitian yang akurat di tugas. Dalam kondisi tinggi penting, mereka diberitahu bahwa tugas mendatang merupakan ujian nyata kemampuan identifikasi saksi mata dan bahwa departemen kepolisian dan pengadilan akan segera menggunakannya untuk membedakan saksi mata yang baik dari orang-orang miskin. Skor peserta karena itu akan menetapkan standar terhadap mana kinerja saksi mata di masa depan akan dihakimi. Selain itu, mereka yang paling akurat di tugas akan menerima $ 20 bonus dari peneliti. Sebaliknya, dalam kondisi low-kepentingan, para peserta penelitian diberitahu bahwa penelitian ini adalah upaya pertama untuk mempelajari identifikasi saksi mata dan bahwa tugas geser masih sedang dikembangkan. Dengan demikian, sebagai peserta mulai tugas, mereka berada di dua negara yang sangat berbeda dari pikiran. Setengah berpikir kinerja mereka sangat penting dan akan memiliki konsekuensi bagi masyarakat hukum. Mereka termotivasi untuk melakukannya dengan baik (dan mendapatkan mereka $ 20). Sisi lain melihat ini hanya sebagai sebuah studi penelitian reguler seperti yang lain. Penampilan mereka tidak tampak yang penting bagi peneliti.
Kondisi tinggi pentingnya mencerminkan kekhawatiran banyak situasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari - ". mendapatkan hal yang benar" penilaian dan keputusan memiliki konsekuensi, dan Anda termotivasi untuk Will yang membuat Anda kurang lebih rentan terhadap pengaruh sosial informasi? Para peneliti menemukan bahwa membuat Anda lebih rentan. Dalam kondisi rendah penting, peserta sesuai dengan penilaian para sekutu dan memberikan jawaban yang salah yang sama pada 35% dari uji coba penting. Dalam kondisi tinggi penting, peserta sesuai dengan penilaian para sekutu 'pada 51% dari uji coba penting.
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