He then left the room, smirking. He wanted to obtain Jodha in every po terjemahan - He then left the room, smirking. He wanted to obtain Jodha in every po Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

He then left the room, smirking. He

He then left the room, smirking. He wanted to obtain Jodha in every possible way; it would always remind her that she belonged to no one but him. After signing the marriage document, she would wholly become his property'.

Jodha sat on the bed, and tears began flowing down her cheeks. She knew that Jallad' would stoop to any level to make sure she doesn't even try to get out of this marriage. As it was not enough for traditions, now even the law would recognise her as his wife. However, she then reminded herself that she needed to be strong for herself and her family. After recollecting her mother's words, she got up from the bed and went for a bath.

She soon finished, dried her hair and put on a bathrobe. She pulled out a pink colour salwar kurta and ironed it. Since, she belonged to a big house now, it was understood that she would have to look her best at all times. She wore some bangles and a little kajal in her eyes. After checking herself in the mirror one last time, she walked out the door.

Jalal was talking to the lawyer about all the formalities. He was engrossed in the conversation, when he saw her walking down the stairs. Though she was not as decked up as the day before, yet she looked beautiful. She sashayed down slowly, as he continued to look at her. She greeted the lawyer and took a seat beside Jalal. After explaining everything, he handed over a pen to Jodha. She sighed heavily, and began signing on each of the sheets, one by one. After she was done, Jalal took the pen from her hand, and signed as well, throwing her smirks all the while. After checking every detail, the lawyer got up.

Lawyer - Thank you, Mr Mohammed, You will soon receive your marriage certificate (looking at Jodha) - And Ma'am, how do you want to make changes in your name?

Jodha thought for a while, and replied softly,

Jodha - Thank you, but I want to retain my maiden name, Jodha Singh

He smiled at her and took his leave. Meanwhile, Jalal was slightly taken aback and annoyed. He had fervently hoped that she would adopt his surname, but her refusal had irked him.

Jalal (annoyed) - Why didn't you agree to change your surname?

Jodha turned around, while an expression of irritation graced her face. She made it a point to give a reply without getting angry.

Jodha - Mr Mohammed, it is my choice. I want to retain my identity, and my surname has been with me since I was born and I would not change it for anyone. No matter what you try to take away from me, you can't take my surname away!

She got up and was walking towards the stairs when she turned around.

Jodha - Oh yeah. If someone feels that they own me, they are sorely mistaken! And since I have retained my surname, I don't really belong to you, Mr Mohammed!

She gave a victorious smile and walked off from there, leaving him fuming. She had defied him again! Though her self-assertiveness had left him impressed, he couldn't fathom what this girl was made of. He put her through so many trying situations so that she would eventually break-down. Yet she showed no signs, but she was getting stronger with each challenge he was throwing at her. He needed to get back at her and teach her a lesson.

Jalal (smirking) - Hmm...interesting! So you won't budge so easily! Fine! I won't give up till you give-in to my demands! I will make you fall one day for sure! Enjoy the last of your glory days for now, for you will soon learn what to mess with Jalaluddin Mohammed is!

Jodha went up to her room, and decided to arrange all her clothes in the wardrobe. She had to reluctantly live in his room, and all this would make life at least a bit easier for her. She stacked her clothes, and was about to put it on the shelf, when she heard a voice.


Jodha turned around to see a maid rushing to her, panicking as she took the stack from her hands.

Jodha - What are you doing?

Maid - Madam ji, you must not do this work! You should just call one of us whenever you require any help!

Jodha (smiling) - I always did all chores when I lived in my house, so it is not a big deal. You don't have to be scared, if anyone asks, just tell that I insisted on doing it

Maid - Umm...uhh...okay. But can I help you?

Jodha - Yes of course. What is your name?

Maid - My name is Zakira

Jodha - Okay Zakira, just help me stack all the clothes so that I can put them on the shelf

Zakira - Oh alright!

Around afternoon, Jalal's parents went to meet Jodha's parents', who had just moved back into their old house. All their things were yet to be unpacked and the house needed to be cleaned. Bharmal welcomed them and made them sit while Mainavati prepared tea and snacks for them.

Hamida - Oh so Jalal gave this house to you?

Bharmal knew he wasn't supposed to reveal anything to Jalal's family as per his instructions.

Bharmal - Yes, we were given the house

Mainavati brought out the snacks and served them, while taking a seat herself.

Mainavati - Hamida ji, what brought you here? And is Jodha alright?

Hamida (smiling) - Yes, Jodha is fine! She is slowly adjusting into our household. However, we have come here to invite you and your family for the Walima function we have tomorrow

Mainavati - What is the Walima?

Hamida - It is a reception party, which the boy's side hosts. And as Jodha's parents, we obviously expect you to be there

Her parents nodded in approval and after some discussions, his parents left. They still had to finish all the arrangements for the function the next day.

Precap - The Walima/reception.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ia kemudian meninggalkan Kamar, menyeringai. Dia ingin memperoleh Jodha dalam setiap cara yang mungkin; itu selalu akan mengingatkan padanya bahwa ia adalah tidak satu tapi dia. Setelah menandatangani dokumen pernikahan, ia akan sepenuhnya menjadi miliknya '.Jodha duduk di tempat tidur, dan air mata mulai mengalir di pipinya. Dia tahu bahwa Jallad' akan membungkuk untuk setiap tingkat untuk memastikan bahwa dia bahkan tidak mencoba untuk keluar dari pernikahan ini. Seperti itu tidak cukup untuk tradisi, sekarang bahkan hukum akan mengenali dia sebagai istrinya. Namun, ia mengingatkan dirinya bahwa ia harus menjadi kuat untuk dirinya dan keluarganya. Setelah recollecting kata-kata ibunya, ia bangun dari tempat tidur dan pergi untuk mandi.Dia segera selesai, kering rambutnya dan mengenakan jubah mandi. Dia mengeluarkan kurta salwar warna pink dan disetrika itu. Sejak itu, ia adalah rumah besar sekarang, hal ini dimengerti bahwa ia harus melihat dirinya terbaik setiap saat. Dia memakai gelang beberapa dan sedikit dariian di matanya. Setelah memeriksa sendiri di cermin terakhir kalinya, ia berjalan keluar pintu.Jalal berbicara dengan pengacara tentang semua formalitas. Dia sedang asyik dalam percakapan, ketika ia melihat dia berjalan menuruni tangga. Meskipun dia tidak mengenakan up sebagai hari sebelum, namun dia tampak indah. Dia sashayed turun perlahan-lahan, karena dia terus memandangnya. Dia disambut pengacara dan mengambil tempat duduk di samping Jalal. Setelah menjelaskan segala sesuatu, ia menyerahkan pena ke Jodha. Dia menghela napas berat, dan mulai masuk pada masing-masing lembar, satu per satu. Setelah ia selesai, Jalal mengambil pena dari tangannya, dan ditandatangani serta, melemparkan dia smirks semua sementara. Setelah memeriksa setiap detail, pengacara bangun.Pengacara - terima kasih, Mr Mohammed, Anda akan segera menerima sertifikat perkawinan Anda (melihat Jodha) - dan Bu, bagaimana Anda ingin membuat perubahan dalam nama Anda?Jodha berpikir sejenak, dan menjawab dengan lembut,Jodha - terima kasih, tapi aku ingin mempertahankan nama gadis saya, Jodha SinghDia tersenyum dan mengambil pergi. Sementara itu, Jalal sedikit dibawa Muhammad dan kesal. Ia sungguh-sungguh berharap bahwa dia akan mengadopsi nama keluarganya, tapi menolak telah kesal kepadanya.Jalal (kesal) - mengapa Anda tidak setuju untuk mengubah nama Anda?Jodha berbalik, sementara ekspresi iritasi menghiasi wajahnya. Dia membuat satu titik untuk memberikan Balasan tanpa marah.Jodha - Mohammed Mr, it's my pilihan. Saya ingin mempertahankan identitas saya, dan nama saya telah bersama saya sejak aku lahir dan aku tidak akan mengubah bagi siapa pun. Tidak peduli apa yang Anda mencoba untuk mengambil dariku, Anda tidak dapat mengambil nama saya!Dia bangun dan berjalan menuju tangga ketika dia berbalik.Jodha - Oh ya. Jika seseorang merasa bahwa mereka sendiri saya, mereka sangat keliru! Dan karena saya telah mempertahankan nama saya, saya tidak benar-benar milik Anda, Mr Mohammed!Dia memberikan senyum yang menang dan berjalan pergi dari sana, meninggalkan Dia marah. Dia telah menantang dia lagi! Meskipun self-assertiveness nya telah meninggalkan dia terkesan, ia tidak bisa membayangkan apa gadis ini terbuat dari. Dia meletakkan padanya melalui situasi mencoba begitu banyak sehingga dia akan akhirnya rusak. Namun dia menunjukkan ada tanda-tanda, tetapi ia semakin kuat dengan setiap tantangan dia lempar padanya. Ia diperlukan untuk mendapatkan kembali kepadanya dan mengajarkan dia sebuah pelajaran.Jalal (menyeringai) - Hmm...menarik! Jadi Anda tidak mau mengalah begitu mudah! Baik-baik saja! Aku tidak akan memberikan sampai Anda memberikan-in ke saya menuntut! Aku akan membuat Anda jatuh satu hari pasti! Menikmati terakhir Anda kemuliaan hari untuk sekarang, karena Anda akan segera belajar apa yang harus main-main dengan Jalaluddin Mohammed!Jodha pergi ke kamarnya, dan memutuskan untuk mengatur semua pakaian dalam lemari pakaian. Ia harus enggan hidup di Kamar, dan semua ini akan membuat hidup setidaknya sedikit lebih mudah baginya. Dia ditumpuk pakaiannya, dan akan meletakkannya di rak, ketika ia mendengar suara."Arre"Jodha berbalik untuk melihat seorang pembantu yang bergegas untuk dia, panik ketika dia mengambil tumpukan dari tangannya.Jodha - apa yang Anda lakukan?Pembantu - Madam ji, Anda tidak boleh melakukan pekerjaan ini! Anda hanya harus memanggil salah satu dari kami kapanpun Anda membutuhkan bantuan!Jodha (tersenyum) - saya selalu melakukan semua tugas ketika saya tinggal di rumah saya, jadi itu bukan masalah besar. Anda tidak perlu takut, jika ada yang bertanya, hanya mengatakan bahwa aku bersikeras melakukanPembantu - um... uhh... apa-apa. Tetapi saya dapat membantu Anda?Jodha - Ya tentu saja. Siapa namamu?Pembantu - nama saya adalah ZakiraJodha - Zakira apa-apa, hanya membantu saya tumpukan semua pakaian sehingga saya bisa menempatkan mereka di rakZakira - Oh baik-baik saja!Di sekitar sore, Jalal's orangtua pergi bertemu Jodha's orangtua, yang baru saja pindah kembali ke rumah tua. Hal-hal yang mereka masih harus dibongkar dan rumah perlu dibersihkan. Bharmal menyambut mereka dan membuat mereka duduk sementara Mainavati disiapkan teh dan camilan untuk mereka.Hamidah - Oh jadi Jalal memberikan rumah ini kepada Anda?Bharmal tahu dia tidak seharusnya untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang Jalal's keluarga sesuai dengan instruksi.Bharmal - ya, kami diberi rumahMainavati dibawa keluar camilan dan melayani mereka, sambil duduk sendiri.Mainavati - ji hamidah, apa yang membawa Anda di sini? Dan Jodha baik-baik saja?Hamidah (tersenyum) - Ya, Jodha baik-baik saja! Ia perlahan-lahan menyesuaikan menjadi rumah tangga kami. Namun, kami telah datang ke sini untuk mengundang Anda dan keluarga Anda untuk fungsi Walima kita memiliki besokMainavati - apa itu Walima?Hamidah - itu adalah pesta resepsi, yang anak itu sisi host. Dan sebagai orangtua Jodha's, kami jelas berharap Anda berada di sanaOrangtuanya mengangguk dalam persetujuan dan setelah beberapa diskusi, orangtuanya kiri. Mereka masih harus menyelesaikan semua pengaturan untuk fungsi keesokan harinya.Precap - Walima/penerimaan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
He then left the room, smirking. He wanted to obtain Jodha in every possible way; it would always remind her that she belonged to no one but him. After signing the marriage document, she would wholly become his property'.

Jodha sat on the bed, and tears began flowing down her cheeks. She knew that Jallad' would stoop to any level to make sure she doesn't even try to get out of this marriage. As it was not enough for traditions, now even the law would recognise her as his wife. However, she then reminded herself that she needed to be strong for herself and her family. After recollecting her mother's words, she got up from the bed and went for a bath.

She soon finished, dried her hair and put on a bathrobe. She pulled out a pink colour salwar kurta and ironed it. Since, she belonged to a big house now, it was understood that she would have to look her best at all times. She wore some bangles and a little kajal in her eyes. After checking herself in the mirror one last time, she walked out the door.

Jalal was talking to the lawyer about all the formalities. He was engrossed in the conversation, when he saw her walking down the stairs. Though she was not as decked up as the day before, yet she looked beautiful. She sashayed down slowly, as he continued to look at her. She greeted the lawyer and took a seat beside Jalal. After explaining everything, he handed over a pen to Jodha. She sighed heavily, and began signing on each of the sheets, one by one. After she was done, Jalal took the pen from her hand, and signed as well, throwing her smirks all the while. After checking every detail, the lawyer got up.

Lawyer - Thank you, Mr Mohammed, You will soon receive your marriage certificate (looking at Jodha) - And Ma'am, how do you want to make changes in your name?

Jodha thought for a while, and replied softly,

Jodha - Thank you, but I want to retain my maiden name, Jodha Singh

He smiled at her and took his leave. Meanwhile, Jalal was slightly taken aback and annoyed. He had fervently hoped that she would adopt his surname, but her refusal had irked him.

Jalal (annoyed) - Why didn't you agree to change your surname?

Jodha turned around, while an expression of irritation graced her face. She made it a point to give a reply without getting angry.

Jodha - Mr Mohammed, it is my choice. I want to retain my identity, and my surname has been with me since I was born and I would not change it for anyone. No matter what you try to take away from me, you can't take my surname away!

She got up and was walking towards the stairs when she turned around.

Jodha - Oh yeah. If someone feels that they own me, they are sorely mistaken! And since I have retained my surname, I don't really belong to you, Mr Mohammed!

She gave a victorious smile and walked off from there, leaving him fuming. She had defied him again! Though her self-assertiveness had left him impressed, he couldn't fathom what this girl was made of. He put her through so many trying situations so that she would eventually break-down. Yet she showed no signs, but she was getting stronger with each challenge he was throwing at her. He needed to get back at her and teach her a lesson.

Jalal (smirking) - Hmm...interesting! So you won't budge so easily! Fine! I won't give up till you give-in to my demands! I will make you fall one day for sure! Enjoy the last of your glory days for now, for you will soon learn what to mess with Jalaluddin Mohammed is!

Jodha went up to her room, and decided to arrange all her clothes in the wardrobe. She had to reluctantly live in his room, and all this would make life at least a bit easier for her. She stacked her clothes, and was about to put it on the shelf, when she heard a voice.


Jodha turned around to see a maid rushing to her, panicking as she took the stack from her hands.

Jodha - What are you doing?

Maid - Madam ji, you must not do this work! You should just call one of us whenever you require any help!

Jodha (smiling) - I always did all chores when I lived in my house, so it is not a big deal. You don't have to be scared, if anyone asks, just tell that I insisted on doing it

Maid - Umm...uhh...okay. But can I help you?

Jodha - Yes of course. What is your name?

Maid - My name is Zakira

Jodha - Okay Zakira, just help me stack all the clothes so that I can put them on the shelf

Zakira - Oh alright!

Around afternoon, Jalal's parents went to meet Jodha's parents', who had just moved back into their old house. All their things were yet to be unpacked and the house needed to be cleaned. Bharmal welcomed them and made them sit while Mainavati prepared tea and snacks for them.

Hamida - Oh so Jalal gave this house to you?

Bharmal knew he wasn't supposed to reveal anything to Jalal's family as per his instructions.

Bharmal - Yes, we were given the house

Mainavati brought out the snacks and served them, while taking a seat herself.

Mainavati - Hamida ji, what brought you here? And is Jodha alright?

Hamida (smiling) - Yes, Jodha is fine! She is slowly adjusting into our household. However, we have come here to invite you and your family for the Walima function we have tomorrow

Mainavati - What is the Walima?

Hamida - It is a reception party, which the boy's side hosts. And as Jodha's parents, we obviously expect you to be there

Her parents nodded in approval and after some discussions, his parents left. They still had to finish all the arrangements for the function the next day.

Precap - The Walima/reception.
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