The primary objective of this qualitative phase of the study was to ob terjemahan - The primary objective of this qualitative phase of the study was to ob Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The primary objective of this quali

The primary objective of this qualitative phase of the study was to obtain further
insights into the dynamics and life experiences of young adults. The underlying
research themes in this qualitative data collection centered on education,
employment, social relations, marriage, sexuality, religion, politics, and migration.
Qualitative findings in this article are drawn from in-depth interviews with nine
women who had migrated to Greater Jakarta at various ages.
To examine whether the patterns of entry into the various markers of adulthood
differ across women in different migration categories, we identify whether
women have achieved each of the five life course markers by selected ages. The
five life course markers are (1) leaving the parental home, (2) leaving the education
system, (3) entering the work force, (4) marrying, and (5) having a first child.
We compare the percentage of women who have experienced each of these transitions
at three ages: 15, 20, and 25. We expected that migrant women are more
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The primary objective of this qualitative phase of the study was to obtain furtherinsights into the dynamics and life experiences of young adults. The underlyingresearch themes in this qualitative data collection centered on education,employment, social relations, marriage, sexuality, religion, politics, and migration.Qualitative findings in this article are drawn from in-depth interviews with ninewomen who had migrated to Greater Jakarta at various ages.To examine whether the patterns of entry into the various markers of adulthooddiffer across women in different migration categories, we identify whetherwomen have achieved each of the five life course markers by selected ages. Thefive life course markers are (1) leaving the parental home, (2) leaving the educationsystem, (3) entering the work force, (4) marrying, and (5) having a first child.We compare the percentage of women who have experienced each of these transitionsat three ages: 15, 20, and 25. We expected that migrant women are more
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