in monitoring real activities manipulation. However, we find no eviden terjemahan - in monitoring real activities manipulation. However, we find no eviden Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

in monitoring real activities manip

in monitoring real activities manipulation. However, we find no evidence that the other
four audit committee characteristics can affect real earnings management.
Our study contributes to the academic and practitioner literature in the following
ways. First, this study extends the extant research on audit committees’ oversight of real
earnings management by using refined research design and updated data. There is little
research that has comprehensively examined the effect of audit committee
characteristics on real earnings management. Second, this study provides further
evidence on how audit committee members’ additional directorships affect their ability
to oversee both accrual and real earnings management. We document that audit
committees with high additional directorships are less effective in constraining
abnormal discretionary expenses, abnormal cash flows from operation and abnormal
production costs. We also find the same effect of additional directorships on accrual
earnings management, although the existent literature shows mixed evidence.
Moreover, our findings provide implications for strengthening the role of independent
audit committees in monitoring real earnings manipulation.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a
background to the study and discusses the related literature. Section 3 develops the
hypotheses, followed by a description of the research design in Section 4. Section 5
analyzes and discusses the empirical results and Section 6 concludes the paper.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
in monitoring real activities manipulation. However, we find no evidence that the other
four audit committee characteristics can affect real earnings management.
Our study contributes to the academic and practitioner literature in the following
ways. First, this study extends the extant research on audit committees’ oversight of real
earnings management by using refined research design and updated data. There is little
research that has comprehensively examined the effect of audit committee
characteristics on real earnings management. Second, this study provides further
evidence on how audit committee members’ additional directorships affect their ability
to oversee both accrual and real earnings management. We document that audit
committees with high additional directorships are less effective in constraining
abnormal discretionary expenses, abnormal cash flows from operation and abnormal
production costs. We also find the same effect of additional directorships on accrual
earnings management, although the existent literature shows mixed evidence.
Moreover, our findings provide implications for strengthening the role of independent
audit committees in monitoring real earnings manipulation.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a
background to the study and discusses the related literature. Section 3 develops the
hypotheses, followed by a description of the research design in Section 4. Section 5
analyzes and discusses the empirical results and Section 6 concludes the paper.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dalam memantau manipulasi nyata kegiatan. Namun, kami tidak menemukan bukti bahwa yang lain
empat karakteristik komite audit dapat mempengaruhi manajemen laba nyata.
Studi kami memberikan kontribusi untuk literatur akademis dan praktisi di berikut
cara. Pertama, penelitian ini memperluas penelitian yang masih ada pada pengawasan komite audit 'real
manajemen laba dengan menggunakan desain penelitian halus dan data diperbarui. Ada sedikit
penelitian yang komprehensif meneliti efek komite audit
karakteristik pengelolaan pendapatan riil. Kedua, penelitian ini memberikan lebih lanjut
bukti tentang bagaimana anggota komite audit 'direktur tambahan mempengaruhi kemampuan mereka
untuk mengawasi kedua akrual dan manajemen laba riil. Kami mendokumentasikan bahwa audit
komite dengan direktur tambahan yang tinggi kurang efektif dalam menghambat
pengeluaran diskresioner abnormal, arus kas yang abnormal dari operasi dan abnormal
biaya produksi. Kami juga menemukan efek yang sama dari direktur tambahan pada akrual
manajemen laba, meskipun literatur ada menunjukkan bukti campuran.
Selain itu, temuan kami memberikan implikasi untuk memperkuat peran independen
komite audit dalam memantau manipulasi laba nyata.
Sisa kertas ini disusun sebagai berikut. Bagian 2 memberikan
latar belakang untuk penelitian dan membahas literatur terkait. Bagian 3 mengembangkan
hipotesis, diikuti dengan uraian dari Desain penelitian dalam Bagian 4. Bagian 5
analisis dan membahas hasil empiris dan Bagian 6 menyimpulkan kertas.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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