Two experimental word lists were created in which the testitems appear terjemahan - Two experimental word lists were created in which the testitems appear Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Two experimental word lists were cr

Two experimental word lists were created in which the test
items appeared in a pseudorandomized running order. The
restrictions were that no critical item (i.e., no word ending in
[l/ɹ]) was allowed to appear in the first six words, and no two
critical items could appear within a range of four words.
Each list consisted of 400 words—that is, the 200 nonwords,
120 filler words, and 40 words ending in a natural
[l] or [ɹ]—and 40 critical items—that is, the /r/-final or /l/-
final words ending in [l/ɹ]. The difference between the two
word lists was that one list contained only the natural /r/-
final words and /l/-final words ending in [l/ɹ], and the other
list contained only the natural /l/-final words and the /r/
words ending in [l/ɹ]. The younger and older listener groups
were split into two groups and assigned one of the two
experimental word lists. In one group, 18 younger and 30
older listeners heard the ambiguous /l/-final words during
exposure, and in the other, 18 younger and 30 older listeners
heard the ambiguous /r/-final words during exposure.
Participants were tested individually in a sound-treated
booth. The stimuli were presented binaurally over closed
headphones, and participants were asked to press a button as
quickly and accurately as possible when they heard a word
(left button) or a nonword (right button). They were not
informed about the presence of the ambiguous sounds. The
lexical-decision task lasted approximately 25 min.
Subsequently, the participants were tested using a phoneme
categorization test. They were asked to decide as quickly
and accurately as possible, by buttonpress, whether the
stimulus ended in /l/ or in /r/. The five ambiguous kwiptel/ɹ
stimuli were each presented six times per block and were
newly randomized for each of a total of three blocks (90 test
items in total). The /l/ interpretation of the stimulus (kwiptel)
was shown on the bottom left of the computer screen, and
the /r/ interpretation (kwipter) on the bottom right. The
phonetic categorization task lasted approximately 8 min.
All of the stimuli for all participants were presented at an
average intensity level of 75 dB SPL.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Two experimental word lists were created in which the testitems appeared in a pseudorandomized running order. Therestrictions were that no critical item (i.e., no word ending in[l/ɹ]) was allowed to appear in the first six words, and no twocritical items could appear within a range of four words.Each list consisted of 400 words—that is, the 200 nonwords,120 filler words, and 40 words ending in a natural[l] or [ɹ]—and 40 critical items—that is, the /r/-final or /l/-final words ending in [l/ɹ]. The difference between the twoword lists was that one list contained only the natural /r/-final words and /l/-final words ending in [l/ɹ], and the otherlist contained only the natural /l/-final words and the /r/words ending in [l/ɹ]. The younger and older listener groupswere split into two groups and assigned one of the twoexperimental word lists. In one group, 18 younger and 30older listeners heard the ambiguous /l/-final words duringexposure, and in the other, 18 younger and 30 older listenersheard the ambiguous /r/-final words during exposure.Participants were tested individually in a sound-treatedbooth. The stimuli were presented binaurally over closedheadphones, and participants were asked to press a button asquickly and accurately as possible when they heard a word(left button) or a nonword (right button). They were notinformed about the presence of the ambiguous sounds. Thelexical-decision task lasted approximately 25 min.Subsequently, the participants were tested using a phonemecategorization test. They were asked to decide as quicklyand accurately as possible, by buttonpress, whether thestimulus ended in /l/ or in /r/. The five ambiguous kwiptel/ɹstimuli were each presented six times per block and werenewly randomized for each of a total of three blocks (90 testitems in total). The /l/ interpretation of the stimulus (kwiptel)was shown on the bottom left of the computer screen, andthe /r/ interpretation (kwipter) on the bottom right. Thephonetic categorization task lasted approximately 8 min.All of the stimuli for all participants were presented at anaverage intensity level of 75 dB SPL.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dua daftar kata eksperimental diciptakan di mana tes
item muncul dalam urutan berjalan pseudorandomized. Para
pembatasan adalah bahwa ada item penting (yaitu, tidak ada kata yang berakhir dengan
[l / ɹ]) diizinkan untuk tampil dalam enam kata pertama, dan tidak ada dua
item penting bisa muncul dalam berbagai empat kata.
Setiap daftar terdiri dari 400 kata -yaitu, 200 nonwords,
120 kata filler, dan 40 kata berakhir dengan alam
[l] atau [ɹ] -dan 40 item-yang penting adalah, / r /-Final atau / l / -
kata-kata terakhir berakhir di [l / ɹ]. Perbedaan antara kedua
daftar kata adalah bahwa satu daftar berisi hanya alam / r / -
kata akhir dan / l / kata-Final berakhir di [l / ɹ], dan lainnya
daftar hanya berisi alam / l / kata-Final dan / r /
kata yang berakhiran [l / ɹ]. Yang lebih muda dan lebih tua kelompok pendengar
dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dan ditugaskan salah satu dari dua
daftar kata eksperimental. Dalam satu kelompok, 18 muda dan 30
pendengar yang lebih tua mendengar ambigu / l / kata-Final selama
eksposur, dan yang lain, 18 muda dan 30 pendengar yang lebih tua
mendengar ambigu / r / kata-Final saat terpapar.
Peserta diuji secara individual dalam suara-diperlakukan
booth. Rangsangan yang disajikan binaurally lebih tertutup
headphone, dan peserta diminta untuk menekan tombol yang
cepat dan seakurat mungkin ketika mereka mendengar kata
(tombol kiri) atau nonword (tombol kanan). Mereka tidak
diberitahu tentang adanya suara ambigu. The
Tugas leksikal-keputusan berlangsung sekitar 25 menit.
Selanjutnya, para peserta diuji dengan menggunakan fonem
tes kategorisasi. Mereka diminta untuk memutuskan secepat
dan seakurat mungkin, oleh buttonpress, apakah
stimulus berakhir / l / atau / r /. Lima ambigu kwiptel / ɹ
rangsangan masing-masing disajikan enam kali per blok dan
baru secara acak untuk masing-masing dari total tiga blok (90 uji
item total). The / l / interpretasi dari stimulus (kwiptel)
ditunjukkan pada bagian kiri bawah layar komputer, dan
/ r / interpretasi (kwipter) di kanan bawah. The
Tugas kategorisasi fonetik berlangsung sekitar 8 menit.
Semua rangsangan untuk semua peserta dipresentasikan pada
tingkat intensitas rata-rata 75 dB SPL.
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